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6/16/2020 - 2020 Social Celebration Cancelled.

It is with deep regret we inform you that the Hendry Regional Medical Center Foundation will not be hosting our annual Social Celebration at Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard's cabin as previously scheduled on March 28, 2020.

While we held high hopes for rescheduling, following increased and overwhelming concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we felt cancelling this year was the best way to proceed during this unprecedented pandemic.

We are very disappointed that we are unable to hold this event for you, our biggest supporter, but we know it is the right decision based on the information we have today.

The HRMC Foundation Board remains committed to our community by providing support to the Hospital to ensure we continue to improve the quality of healthcare available in Hendry County.

As friends of the Foundation, your support is vital in assisting the Foundation in achieving its mission, vision, and goals. Your ticket purchase for the 2020 Social Celebration has been rolled over to become a generous donation to the hospital. If you would prefer your donation be used in a different manner or would like to request a refund, please contact the Foundation at 863-983-2735.

Please take care of yourselves. We will continue to do everything we can to help keep our community safe and healthy by "giving the gift of good health."