Picture of female nurse in a classroom with a babydoll on a desk in front of her
TNCC Comes to HRMC!
Hendry Regional hosted its first Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC). HRMC is committed to providing quality healthcare and having TNCC certified nurses in the emergency department will provide a higher level of care during time critical situations such as heart attack, stroke, and trauma patients. HRMC will have 11 certified TNCC nurses which represents over 60% of the emergency department nursing staff.TNCC is a 16-hour course designed to provide core-level knowledge, refine skills and build a firm foundation in trauma nursing to better assess and treat pediatric and adult patients. The course includes lecture and hands-on skill stations covering assessment and treatment of severely injured patients. The Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) was provided by instructors from a top trauma receiving facility, Lawnwood Medical Center.